Charlton, Friday evening. A hotel room with wet carpet. I don't want to know what the previous occupiers have been up to. I don't want to touch the floor either. Antigallican means anti-French by the way.
An early start as usual, ahead of the Olympic torch relay in Greenwich the same day.D-3. It's only after booking the Antigallican hotel for the 3rd time that I realise I might not be welcome there...
Starting on Saturday morning means party goers still out there.Ready to go at high tide!
Tower Bridge, 6am. Clubber on his way back chasing me. In a nice way. Asking what I was doing. Running 300km! To what he replies he's just been climbing the crane ahead of us. I thought he was high. He probably thought the same of me. Offered Vodka. Refused. Have a good run anyway.
Westminster. feeling a bit quizzy from the start. hoping to get better soon.

A new landmark has emerged along the river.
Central London. Special forces patrolling on the Thames ahead of the Olympics
Richmond, one marathon down. feeling a bit better
First extraction of Thames water under walton. not looking too bad
Not much running since hampton court. feeling sleepy and no energy... can i complete it just walking?
Shepperton at last...
Staines. Been doing timer 2min run - 1min walk from shepperton. worked well
Eaton rowing lake. Soldiers hidden in bushes. Again ahead of Olympics. Weird.Windsor. not feeling too bad
As usual on boats all barbecues firing at 6pm.
Bourne End, Saturday evening. Could go for a hot meal before dark. That would help, but would also not be unsupported. OK, let's carry on then... In retrospect, wrong decision.
Very cold and wet night. The Thames dampens everything. Shoes soon soaked.Bourne end. sun getting low and legs tired
Chased by a 4-wheel drive in the middle of the night. Farmer asking me whether I was alone. Second time I am mistaken for a poacher while night-running in less than a year. Eventually let me go. A weirdo, oh yes. A poacher, certainly not.
Quiet approach to Henley with the Regatta done and dusted, so feeling very lonely this year :)
Just past Henley in the middle of the night. Feeling too cold and tired, so sleeping in survival blanket for 3 hours. Not non-stop any more. Got offered beer by party-goers. Thanks, but I'm running... Not right now obviously, but I am. OK, whatever.Henley, in a cold and humid night
Just had a nap, but was too cold even with survival bag
Passed reading. had a hard time with sleepiness, but better now
Purley: half-way in 27:30...

Trying to...
Sun hitting strong and legs mashed. making very slow progress since goring...
Wallingford, midday Sunday. Leo suggesting to drop a piece of his specialty sticky toffee pudding in a bush, so I can find it "naturally" without being supported. Just had it without fuss, knowing I would drop out anyway.Wallingford. feet and legs quite painful now, and rather late. not sure what to do
Culham lock, Sunday afternoon, 38:38 after starting, not able to run any more. No point. Finally dropping out... Arg!
Culham, 8:40 behind... Decision time
I won't be able to make it before tomorrow night, so i've decided to leave it here.
So what's next? You might or might not know I now live in Grenoble, surrounded by the French Alps. I may come back to England just to run it. Not impossible at all, and would force me to focus. Probably fully supported, or at least self-supported.Thames 3 - Julien 0
Ultra long river